Create a Quiz that Generates Thousands of

Ready-to-Buy Leads

An automated client-finding machine without the tech headache or pushy marketing tactics

By signing up, you agree to receive the free video, along with news and special offers, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will never share or sell your personal information.

"Hey Helen! Just wanted to let you know the quiz went live today (about 2 hours ago) and 90 people have already taken it!!!"

- Whitney Gingerich, The Fertility Nut, Fertility Coach & Dietician

Here's What You'll Learn

Key #1

How to be the go-to expert in your niche and have people queuing up to work with you

Are you offering the same freebie as everyone else in your niche? How's that working out for you? Learn how to grab people's attention, stand out in your niche and actively engage your audience so you can scale up your business.

Key #2

How to get your quiz up and running in no time without having to be a tech whizz

Confused about how to deliver the right results? What about pop ups, ads integration and triggering email sequences? You can have a quiz that is effective and fully branded. You can have the logic that segments your audience all sorted AND still have the tech set up be easy.

Key #3

How to build a list of buyers (not lurkers) so you never launch to crickets again

Do you send out an email and it's radio silence? Learn how to stop filling your list with lurkers and stuff it full of high quality leads instead. We're talking people who can't wait to open your emails and buy from you - all on autopilot.

And More!

By signing up, you agree to receive the free video, along with news and special offers, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will never share or sell your personal information.

What would 1,000's more leads mean for your next launch?

Thanks to quizzes you'll….

  • No longer be hunting for your target audience one by one
  • Have an automated lead generation machine - we’re talking list building done with heart so you connect with your audience from day one and have the income that naturally leads from an aligned audience
  • Have an engaged active list who can't wait to read your emails and actually buy from you - no more ghosters
  • Have a list that enables you to hit those revenue goals that up until now you've only dared dream of
  • Be able to achieve your business vision so you can focus on more fun things, you know like living your life and enjoying the freedom you've created

Time to inject some BIG LIST ENERGY into your business

Get the FREE video

It's absolutely possible to make money doing what you love, but it all starts with the right email list

Hi I'm Helen Munshi and I’m a certified quiz funnel expert, online business strategist & country music loving Brit!

I help entrepreneurs to get their audience to find them, love them and buy from them all through the power of quizzes.

Over my 15+ years of working in strategy & with thousands of entrepreneurs I noticed one key thing they all struggled with - lead generation.

Ever feel like you're shouting into the internet void - you know you're great at what you do but no one knows you exist.

I know it has nothing to do with your skills, commitment, or general amazingness.

It’s a maths problem.

Right now you’re a best kept secret on the internet, but when you get more eyes on your business and offers, your income and business can't help but grow << that’s the maths part

I want to help you build your audience through the fun and magic of quizzes so you can get back to doing what you love: delivering your services and products and making money from what you love.

I am all about ditching toxic scare marketing tactics and focusing on lead generation with heart that really builds a connected, aligned and profitable audience.

It's absolutely possible to make money doing what you love, but it all starts with the right email list

Hi I'm Helen Munshi and I’m a certified quiz funnel expert, online business strategist & country music loving Brit!

I help entrepreneurs to get their audience to find them, love them and buy from them all through the power of quizzes.

Over my 15+ years of working in strategy & with thousands of entrepreneurs I noticed one key thing they all struggled with - lead generation.

Ever feel like you're shouting into the internet void - you know you're great at what you do but no one knows you exist.

I know it has nothing to do with your skills, commitment, or general amazingness.

It’s a maths problem.

Right now you’re a best kept secret on the internet, but when you get more eyes on your business and offers, your income and business can't help but grow << that’s the maths part

I want to help you build your audience through the fun and magic of quizzes so you can get back to doing what you love: delivering your services and products and making money from what you love.

I am all about ditching toxic scare marketing tactics and focusing on lead generation with heart that really builds a connected, aligned and profitable audience.

Client Love...

"Helen's strategy tips helped me create my quiz that now has an on average 80% conversion rate and 70% email open rate. The results I am seeing to grow my community are mind-blowing. Plus Helen made the process fun and enjoyable"

- Holly-Marie Haynes, Crush the Rush, Productivity Coach

"It took no time to launch it to my audience. It’s been fun to see people take the quiz each day bringing in new leads, and comforting to know it’s doing exactly what I envisioned it doing."

- katerina Kormas, Mindset Coach

Is this free training right for you?

  • You’re brand new and don’t have a quiz YET but it’s been on your goals list for a while.
  • You’ve tried building your list and even tried creating a quiz before and, well, struggled.
  • You’ve been frustrated with putting out a freebie and then no one sign ups or only a few people trickle onto your list
  • You’ve had people joining your list who then ghost you afterwards.

You KNOW that the 'money is in the list', but just not your current list.

If that’s you, you’re absolutely in the right place, learn the system that'll break you out of your business rut.